many things happen for the past couples of weeks...i'm now off the hook of exams since last 1st Disember...never felt so great sampai takde benda nak buat except for tido and tido...rekod giler la bangun tido kul 1.30 ptg...hahaha...memang tak pernah buat la...hahaha...and i found it COOL...(kena sebut macam rafique sebut...baru leh terima...a.k.a. eddie GOL & GINCU...or aiman prefer to say GOL & BAJU KURUNG...hahaha). Cakap pasal GOL & GINCU...Aman dengan selamba nyer come to me and said the movie bodoh...hahaha...dia tak suka that dare..?? i love the movie so much...hahah..don't care...AMAN:whatever...!!! hahahha...(hope u reading this...)Now...i dare to say that i finally found my circle of friends...i'm now particularly happy to be here in Galway...or Dunaras - Aman's Best Kept Secret...hahha...don't worry beautiful lips are sealed....hahaha...been hanging with aman, rafique and aiman lately...there's a lot of things la yang kitaorang sembang and shared...and it's likely to be secret...hahaha...and mintak maaf la ek kalau ada yang pikir yg bukan2 okies...Looking back to 25th of October...there is so many things that have crossed my path ever since :i bought an ipod-nano : hahaha...qama ni memang agak boros gak la sket...and birthday is good enough reason to enable me to have it...hahaha...memang nak music pun since i stupidly deleted my sound card from my computer and cleverly didn't bring the backup CD. Marah betul ngan myself...and that cost me 300 euro...hahhaa...first time hadiah birthday RM 1000...heheheh
i suck my quizzes : bunyi cam normal jek kan ?? hahha...been struggle jugak la all my quizzes and result cam moderate jugak la...tak la excellent sangat and not that bad...but i'm not happy with it...every test jek mesti ada makhluk yang dapat perfect marks...jeles betul...i should do what Aman said...i should be a stricker...hahha...salah2...itu from GOL & GINCU...i should bomb the tak de org leh study...hahhaha...jahat tak ? =) qama makan babi...hahahah : this happen after raya tau...even worst time tengah puasa 6...on my very last day of fasting...baru jek habis anat practical...hari isnin memang class full la dari pagi sampai petang...then semua lari la nak gi makan ni...then nampak kat menu tu...Chicken EnGroute...pastu berebut la nak beli...sebab ayam kat college kitaorg halal...then Rina, Aman, Burn and myself pun beli la...bukak la puasa...then tgh makan2 tu...nampak red flesh kat ayam tu...then suma org buat muka pelik jek..then Rina pun cakap la...i think it's that thing...qama pun cakap...i think so...then aman gi ask the lady yang jaga counter tu...and memang ham pun...first time makan babi...hahha...lepas tu...for 2 days hilang selera makan terus...jadi vegan jap hehehhe i love to watch movies : recently baru jek tgk Harry Potter ngan The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe...both are superb...looking forward to read harry potter books...rasa cam best la...and rasa bodoh plak bila everyone talking about it...not that i want to be in the majority...but it's me's for other reason...pasal Narnia plak...memang big fan of CS Lewis pun...suka la all the books in the favourite is the 1st book - The Magician la...u guys should try reading it. I went for a class trip : habis jek exam histology hari tu...terus memabukkan diri atas bas for almost 5 hours...memang mabuk...naik bas kat ireland ni..memang pening kepala...anyway...almost all of my classmate joined the trip and we head off to Killarney...and stay there for 3 was fun...we did have secret santa (main tukar2 hadiah)...and mine was Joseph Keavaney...mula2 tak kenal pun la...and masa malam kasi hadiah tu...jumpa dia for 5 seconds and dia lesap....and that's it...tak jumpa dia langsung dah...hahhaa...lawak giler la...anyway qama kasi dia bola MU...hopefully he likes it...and my secret santa is Navid...he gave me a beautiful calender of painting...boleh tampal kat bilik batu nanti...hehehe...but overall on the trip it was grand...we played card until 2...tgk citer ring...and hang around la...dapat la jugak kenal nama certain people...hehhe...itu macam masalah besar la untuk my class...susah nak ingat nama org...n kelakar jugak tgk org mabuk ni...=) i'm going to spain: seronok saturday (17th Dis) i'm going to spain...heheh...seronok nyer...this is my 3rd country la after ireland and UK...rasa seronok and excited sangat...i'll make sure la it will be a memorable one and interesting...hopefully Dia make it easier for me...
I missed aikido & i joined rowing - how interesting !! : On my way to physiology lecture...Ian - my aikidomate (at first...) stopped me and ask me if i interested to joined the freshers rowing team...he said the team a small guy to their cocyx...and i said i give it a try...and it was interesting la...but i suffer the 1st meeting..they make me run from college to salthill...jauh giler tau...memang jauh la...about 10 miles...nak mampus lari ngan diaorg...obviously kena tinggal la kan...nasib baik la ada Opie (my classmate) suggested that i take the shortcut and meet them at where we started...i was so thankful at that time...then i walked back la...penat cam nak mati...hehehe.... come the sedih part...since ada exam yang mencurah curah...qama missed aikido nyer training...and as a result...i was not allowed to attend the grading...sedih betul...tapi takpe....i promise to cover all my activities properly next term...mesti boleh...heheheThat is much about it my life since i enter the 20th club...hehehe...rasa cam tua la plak...hehe..anyway...see u around beb...-peace-