Tuesday, January 27, 2009

fall u Coin on the right side...please


started on my psych rotation in Ennis today...well..it was a long day..but everybody is very nice and kind. Reminded me of The Moy View Practice - the best GP in the world - so i was telling everybody ! LOL. Started really really early in the morning. Get out from the house to catch the bus at 8.05 am + with power walk ! im not really a morning person ! we'll see how do i get on for the next 2 weeks..lucky enough i dont have anythin on tomorrow hence the late night posting !

they all buzzing about ticket going home...guess better spend it now rather than later...

things are going up hill since last time i even remember things are good. i think. im grateful. Hope things gets better. Im excited to go home ! hope that i become a haematologist (ish....) in June ! + research too...*not so exciting* *slowly clapping*

depressed depressed depressed is The Word for this week..enough of it already !

cheer up will you !

you're so depressed !

bd out


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm fucked up !

One can only hope that their past stay in the box behind the closet ! But it's not the choice to make. Things are meant to be. It's how life teaches you a LESSON.

I feel hopeless now. I know now, if things are not yours..it will never be yours. And God have no mercy !

I'm truly sorry. Im really really sorry

I kills me not to be able to talk to my Abah and Mak now this second. Dont want them to worries. I hate this...hope i sleep it over.

Maybe i need to talk to them...Olan ? He's far away...and he knows...LOML

Wish everything turn out ok..that's the only wish...

Im truly sorry..im really really sorry

in trouble at 1 pm in the morning..nobody to talk to..to cry to..to call..it really sucks ! believe me


"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears"

so I'm crying to sleep...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Clean Linen


Spring is not exactly around the corner (defo not with the ribut badai outside). This must be one of the boring weekend. Nothing to do..takleh shopping !!?? yeke..well..there's online shopping..=))

Tidying up my room...totally need sorting out and some clean linen...

Life's good. Lari lari atas treadmill tp tak sakit kaki..and the cookies Raf + I baked was TDF xlnt !!

Call my Mak and Abah, Baya and Angah, Athirah and Alya (tu, wa, ga, pat, ma, nam, juh, pan, ilan, uluhhhhhh) haha..

Hey u in China..make sure ur ears doesn't fall off ! not so U-R-A-Q-T

Some people need to G-A-L !!! pulangkan sudu kat dapur !! t*at !

Happy birthday Baya !
Happy birthday Qayyim ! p/s - andak tak tahu nak explain apa beza syarikat ngan masyarakat ? LOL
Happy birthday friends !!


bd out !


"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

what ever...


just a quick one !! I was nothing but nice to you...i sit beside you on xmas eve even when u being shady ! you are slut, but still i did not split...i had enough of your hot and cold !

so long !

u r really a piece of work !

effing u !

"i want nobody, nobody but you but definitely not YOU !"

Friday, January 09, 2009



The misery has ended, here today for me at least (all my prayers to GAZA) @ 1300 hour. The 3 hours OSCE finally out of the way ! yeah..congrats to all ! Tak kisah la, miss splenomegaly ke, murmur ke, tak nampak scar ke ? sebut "there is no remarkable findings on examination" ke even the child is obviously sick ! haha..

It's definitely fun and memorable experience ! pump cuff blood pressure sampai tercabut la..hmm...sore finger from BM and the OSCAR goes to The-man-with-headache-with-marital-problem-tp-taknak-cakap !!! LOL

learning points - febrile seizure does not cause brain tumour mum ! =)

moving on psychiatric...we'll see

Have this weekend to myself ! Don't have any plans ! That's good ! Dessert party maybe ? maybe not ?

Anyway, enjoy the weekend ! I dont know that u're a SL*T !!

bd out !


"I want nobody, nobody but YOU" -credit to Nash-

Thursday, January 01, 2009

two thousand nine


Happy new year everybody ! Bon Annee ! hope all of will have a great year. Good times, X bad times ! let's all tell no lies to anybody. Say good things to people. Actually treat people well. (wawawawawawa.....)

let's SLOW down a bit OK ! jgn rush2 sangat ! nanti cepat tua ! =P

Q - quiet when u have nothing to say
A - Abah, i miss u
M - Mak, miss u too
A - Amar, moggy la tukar tukar course !
R - redux all the good things been done ! **wink

bd out !


"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right"