i know this would be the worst time to put up a post...but im tired of tilting my head down to all this books..eventhough i havent finished them all..talking to my Mak and Abah is so much better
this usmle thingy just sucks the life out of you.perseverance.perseverance !!! i dont know if this last 2 days going to change anything or add anything for whatever i did for the last 8 weeks !! hmm..but just wanna give whatever i can !
kesian for my mak and abah for they have to fast this ramadhan jus the 2 of them..wish i was home! and fast with them..talking to my mak today..(called them yesterday as well...that's how much i miss them) we talk a bit about everything..suruh my Abah doakan for my exam which i desperately need ! tawakal je la..i dont know if that word apply to me..hmm..but well i believe that GOD and Human relationship is neither necessarily be reciprocal in nature nor direct ! so let Him-without-sin cast the first stone on me not anybody else...
so im glad that my Abah and Mak is praying for me..not forgetting my tree in far land ! i sinking of you !
anyway..sunday monday is hardcore revision ! till later
miss u Abah and mak !