25th October 2006...i'm celebrating my 21st birthday. Kind of intimidating sometimes when you think of it. Am i ready for the number? or it's a just a number. Try to get to my brain and restore that this is the new beginning but somehow it doesn't get through...i wonder? Maybe it wasn't meant to be...
have a quite interesting day today...Started off the morning with a text from my family and my parents...later in the morning AMAN stick up the birthday card up my mirror. Thanks AMAN. Before i'm off to class (BTW, i skipped 2 classes in the morning...hahaha) i received a card form IZY (which gonna be old in the next couple of days...28th October) from Belfast. Got myself to Anatomy lab for a piece of brain (u can't believe how complicated it is...) and then i found myself in the a dysfunctional lecture of Behavourial Science...huhu. This year was quite different from any other year...receive quite a lot of birthday wishes...It's so sweet of you guys !!! Thanks so much guys. Went to Sarinah's place for a open house and there i been presented with a choir of birthday anthem by the girls...thank you !!
Just a couples of minutes ago..AMAN and RAZAK (my fellow housemates...luv u guys) got me a cake(well not really a cake...but it was brilliant...i've always know that i'm living with brilliant people)...then Rafiq came to have a taste of my rendang and nasi dagang (Ajak yg masak...)
So far my day has been great...but the was so depressing !!! raininig like the cloud has suck the whole lot of the'll believe me when you got yourself here like.
Lastly...i would like to say my highest prayer to Allah SWT for another my family and guys mean a lot to me...Perhaps the next year would be a lot brighter and welcoming.
i saw my card on this particular post,hehe..tetibe tergerak nk melawat blog ko nih.. how you've been doing? long time tak borak2..hope everything's fine with u depsite the craziness of the 2nd year (or is it 3rd yr in ur case? heh, i never really get it why u call it 3rd and we call it 2nd yr..hehe) have a nice remaining days of the autumn semester,time flies real fast eh?
thanks izy...yup agree with that..anyway..good luck for ur exams ok
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