Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good times !

home again,

Manage to pack my bag and went away to Edinburgh - Good times ! Long lost familiar faces, same hanjing abode that they live in Dublin (with all the love in the world - no offence ok - LOL XXX). But it's all good. Gossips, Leona lewis - RUN - lari lari dalam hutan pakai baju gaun - pastu nyanyi nyanyi !! Loved it !!

EDIN was impressive. Love the city. Semek is a good host(ess) to us all. Cramped us all in his manor ! His poor housemate ! Laughing like mad people - like we always do. Vulgar talk - gossip - FIDO - hahahaha.

One of the best trip. Long hours on YOUTUBE.

Visit the Edinburgh Castle ~ FORT, the Holyrood Castle. Majestic view and of course SHOPPING ! Like mad crowd.

SEMEK, ANEP, NASH, SHAWAL, FIDOD - thanks for the fab holiday - not forgetting the GIRLS - (threshold rendah - alert !)

hope to see u guys soon !

broken doll out !


" is sweet to people to be telling a lie, it is bitter in the end"


n.i.s.n.m said...

ooh, i'm so jealous seeing all the piccas!
nk jumpa sume org jugak!!

qamarul_razali said...

i i said..good times !! lol