Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm fucked up !

One can only hope that their past stay in the box behind the closet ! But it's not the choice to make. Things are meant to be. It's how life teaches you a LESSON.

I feel hopeless now. I know now, if things are not yours..it will never be yours. And God have no mercy !

I'm truly sorry. Im really really sorry

I kills me not to be able to talk to my Abah and Mak now this second. Dont want them to worries. I hate this...hope i sleep it over.

Maybe i need to talk to them...Olan ? He's far away...and he knows...LOML

Wish everything turn out ok..that's the only wish...

Im truly sorry..im really really sorry

in trouble at 1 pm in the morning..nobody to talk to..to cry to..to call..it really sucks ! believe me


"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears"

so I'm crying to sleep...


Nash Zarim said...

qama chan,

what happened?

sory can't call, but am sending my warmiest hug to you if it can console you xD


n.i.s.n.m said...

are you okay??
your posts are making me(and i bet other ppl) worry.

heee, tgh wat psych kan? why dont you talk it out with them doctors? =P

** nak ikut nash, am sending my warmiest hug to u jugak!


qamarul_razali said...

thank you so much ! really appreciate it...everything is fine...nanti kena heart to heart ngan korang...=)

thanks again ! sayang korang !